




備註:請務必細閱報名表格內的指引,並於4月25日23:59前郵寄表格到[email protected] 





  1. 初中組(中一至中三)
  2. 高中組(中四至中六)
  • 本年度初中組及高中組只可經自薦參選。
  • 凡曾獲選為觀塘區傑出學生或優秀學生之學生不能再參與同一組別選舉。


  1. 請於截止時間 ( 即 4 月 25 日 23:59 ) 前郵寄電子表格到[email protected],依表格的指示,掃描並上載此申請表的第一部分、推薦信、成績表及其他證明文件。( 只接受 PDF 檔之掃描文件;另親身遞交、傳真及郵寄報名一概不接受 )。
  2. 參選學生須提供最少一封由社會賢達、其就讀學校的校長、老師或課外活動負責人填寫的推薦信;
  3. 上載「成就及獎項」部分之相關證明文件時,請於每張證書或獎狀的副本右上角標明編號 ( 如 B01 )。本會有權就有關資料作出核實。

備註:本年度本會將不會郵寄此表格到各學校,申請人請於於本會網頁( http://www.ktosa.org/ )下載此報名表格。申請人另須於本會所提供之網上表單填妥資料。申請人之個人資料僅會用於觀塘區傑出學生選舉之事宜,選舉完成後將會被銷毀。 


截止報名日期:    2020 年 4 月 25 日(星期六)
入圍評選:            2020 年 5 月
初中組決選日期:2020 年 5 月 23 日(星期六)
高中組決選日期:2020 年 5 月 30 日(星期六)
學生交流營:        2020 年 7 月
結果公佈:            2020 年 8 月
頒獎典禮:            2020 年 9 月

* 費用及詳細內容待定




  1. 品行端正,操行優良,能為同學楷模者;
  2. 學業成績優良者;
  3. 具領導才能者;
  4. 熱心公益及社區服務者;
  5. 積極參加校內外各種活動,有卓越成績者。


  1. 報名表格


  1. 報名表格;及
  2. 面試表現


  1. 評審將按有關標準從各組的參選學生中甄選約三十名學生進入決選;
  2. 進入決選之學生必須參加面試,評審團再按參選者之表現於每組各選出十名「傑出學生」及約十名「優秀學生」。考慮到疫情嚴峻,本年度的面試會以視像形式進行,以降低傳染風險。


  1. 各組優秀學生獲發「優秀學生」證書;
  2. 各組傑出學生獲發「傑出學生」證書及獎座。


  1. 參選學生必須遵守大會制訂的所有參選規則;
  2. 參選學生必須服從評審團所作出之決定;
  3. 截止日期後所收到的任何報名表格一概不會受理;
  4. 若報名表格中有任何資料遺漏、虛報,本會有權取消其參選資格;
  5. 若中、英文版本之文意有任何分歧,一概以中文版本為準;
  6. 本會有權修改一切有關參選規則而不作事前通知。 


電話:2344 1627
傳真:2344 1622
電郵:[email protected]


Kwun Tong Outstanding Students Election

Application Forms

Part 1 (Junior and Senior Secondary School)

After reading the instructions in the form carefully, please email the application form to [email protected] on of before 25th April, 2020 (23:59).


For decades, schools in Kwun Tong have nurtured generations of students. It is noteworthy that there are all-rounded achievers who acquire excellent academic results, demonstrate exemplary conduct and actively participate in extra-curricular activities and social services. In appreciation of their conscious efforts, we hold this election to commend the outstanding students and encourage their peers to learn from these role models. We hope that the election will motivate the younger generation to strive for continual self-enhancement and be ready to contribute to society.


Students of registered secondary schools in Kwun Tong District

  1. Junior Secondary School Category (Form 1 to Form 3)
  2. Senior Secondary School Category (Form 4 to Form 6)
  • ONLY self-nominations are accepted this year.
  • Students honoured with Outstanding Student Award or Commended Student Award in our previous elections are NOT allowed to join the same category again this year. 


  1. Complete and email the application form to [email protected] before the deadline, i.e. 25th April 2020 23:59. Follow the instructions on the online form. Scan and upload the first part of this application form, the letter of recommendation, the report cards and other supporting documents. (Only scanned PDF files are accepted; Applications submitted in person, by fax or email are NOT accepted.)
  2. Present at least a letter of recommendation by community dignitaries, the school principal, teachers or persons-in-charge of extra-curricular activities.
  3. A code, e.g. B01, should be marked at the top right corner of each certificate when submitting the supporting documents. Further validation may be required.

Note: This application form will NOT be delivered to schools. Applicants have to download this application form from our website (http://www.ktosa.org/). Applicants also have to complete the online form to submit their information. The personal information of applicants is only used for matters in relation to Kwun Tong Outstanding Students Election and will be discarded upon its completion. 


Important Dates

(1) Application Deadline : 25th April 2020 (Saturday)
(2) Shortlisting: May 2020
(3) Final Round for Junior Secondary Category: 23rd May 2020 (Saturday)
(4) Final Round for Senior Secondary Category: 30th May 2020 (Saturday)
(5) Summer Camp : July 2020
(6) Results Announcement : August 2020
(7) Prize Presentation Ceremony : September 2020

*The charge and the details of the Summer Camp are to be confirmed.

Judging Panel

The members of the Judging Panel include officials from the Education Bureau and the Independent Commission Against Corruption, District Council members, school principals and representatives of youth groups. They will assess candidates in terms of their performance in the interview, academic achievement, participation in extra-curricular activities and social services.


  1. Positive personalities and exemplary conduct
  2. Excellence in academic results
  3. Possession of leadership skills
  4. Passion in social services
  5. Active participation in extra-curricular activities with outstanding performance

Preliminary Round:

  1. All information presented on the application form

Final Round:

  1. All information presented on the application form AND
  2. Performance in the interviews

Election Procedures

  1. Around 30 candidates from each category will be shortlisted for the final round.
  2. All shortlisted candidates must attend the interviews in the final round. 10 awardees for the Outstanding Student Award and about 10 awardees for the Commended Award will be elected in each category. All interviews will be conducted online.


  1. Each awardee of the Commended Award will receive a certificate.
  2. Each awardee of the Outstanding Student Award will receive a certificate and a trophy.

Rules and Regulations

  1. Applicants must comply with all the rules and regulations.
  2. Applicants must respect the decisions of the judging panel.
  3. Any submissions after the application deadline will NOT be accepted.
  4. Disqualification may result from any missing or fraudulent information.
  5. The Chinese version prevails in case of any discrepancies between the English version and the Chinese version of the application form.
  6. The Organizer reserves the right to amend all the rules and regulations without prior notice.


Tel: 2344 1627 Fax: 2344 1622
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.ktosa.org/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ktosapage
Address: Flat A, 7th Floor, Yue Man Mansion, 15 Hong Ning Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
